Here are the details of maps for Lower Streatham:
We have published just the one map for this area. It covers an area stretching from Gorringe Park eastward to Streatham High Road, and from Besley Street and Greyhound Lane southward to Grove Road and Lonesome. Lower Streatham is in the top right corner, where a feature is an India Rubber factory; the rest of the map is still largely undeveloped, and includes Lonesome, a hamlet within Mitcham parish that was still so remote that it includes a chemical works and fireworks factory. To the west is Gorringe Park and a few streets being built around Graham Road. On the reverse we extend coverage south by including part of Surrey Sheet 14.01 and this includes Commonside East, Woodite Works, and a windmill on Mitcham Common.
The map links up with London Sheets 135 West Streatham to the north, 142 Merton to the west, 144 Norbury to the east.