Here are the details of the map for the Moorgate area:
This highly detailed map at a 'Yard to the Mile' scale covers the area around Finsbury Square and Finsbury Circus. A major feature on the map is Broad Street station, shown in detail with track layout, Booking Offices etc; Liverpool Street station is NOT included, its area being blank, ready for building. Other features include Moorgate St station, Royal London Opthalmic Hospital, St Mary's RC Chapel, Bishopsgate Street Without, Norton Folgate, Blomfield Street, Wilson Street, Worship Street, London Institution, Unitarian Chapel, Albion Chapel, St Bartholomew's church, Finsbury Pavement, Finsbury Place, London Wall, Girdler's Hall, Armourer's & Brasiers Hall, St Botolph's church Bishopsgate. On the reverse we include street directory entries for Bishopsgate St Without, Blomfield Street, Finsbury Circus, Finsbury Square, Sun Street, Worship Street.
The map links up with Sheets 7.46 South Shoreditch to the north, 7.57 Spitalfields to the east, ,7.66 Bank to the south.