Here are the details of maps for Farnborough & Cove:
This very detailed map is double-sided to provide maximum coverage and provides busy coverage of a varied town: part old settlement close to the drove road, part residential growth due to the station, but largely due to military expansion. The main map covers the area from St John's church West Heath eastward to St Michael's Abbey, and from Farnborough Hill Convent School southward to Hillside College. Features include Cove, Cove Bungalows, Rafborough, Cove Green, Pinehurst Barracks, station, military line (closed 1968), North Farnborough, Forest Lodge, Tumble Down Dick Hotel. On the reverse we include part of adjacent sheet 13.14 extending coverage eastward to the county boundary. Features here include Farnborough Park, Avenue Road, Farnborough Court and the southern part of the area known as Farnborough Street. The introduction by Tony Painter explains the growth of Farnborough, including Samuel Franklin Cody whose "long hair and colonial manner did not fit the traditional military image" but whose confident manner showed there was a future in 'powered kites' and ultimately aeroplanes.