Here are the details of maps for Fencehouses:
This very detailed map covers Fencehouses and New Lambton, including Lady Anne Colliery, the D Pit and cokeworks, Fencehouses station etc.
Features include Lumley Sixth Pit, D Pit, Lady Anne Pit, Fencehouses station and railway, Lambton Railway, Cocken Branch, Lumley Branch, Floater's Mill, Morton House, Break Neck Gill, New Lambton Pumping Engine, High Dubmire, Sedgeletch, disused Betty Pit etc.
We include extracts from Whellan's 1894 directory for Burnmoor, Chilton Moor and Lumley on the reverse.
The map links up with Sheet 13.11 Shiney Row to the north, 13.14 Lumley Castle to the west, 13.16 Houghton-le-Spring to the east.