Here are the details of maps for north Sheffield:
We have published three versions of this map, showing how the area changed across the years. The 1892 version is colour printed, taken from the beautiful 1st Edition OS handcoloured edition. Each map covers the Shirecliffe, Pitsmkoor, Osgathorpe and Burngreave area, including the busy industrial area along Carlisle Street.
Features include Atlas Steel & Iron Works, Norfolk Steel & Iron Works, Brightside Boiler Works, Grimesthorpe area, Osgathorpe House, Burngreave Cemetery, Shirecliffe Hall, Firs Hill etc.
The map links up with Sheets 288.16 Sheffield Longley to the north, 294.03 Sheffield Neepsend to the west, 295.01 Attercliffe to the east and 294.08 Sheffield to the south.