Here are the details of maps for Attleborough:
This detailed map covers the villages of Chilvers Coton and Attleborough, just south of Nuneaton. Features at Chilvers Coton include All Saints church, Nuneaton Workhouse, LNWR railway with Chilvers Coton station, Chilvers Coton Foundry, Coventry Canal, Old Wharf Inn etc. At Attleborough features include Holy Trinity church, Caldwell, Elastic Web Works, Attleborough Hall, cemetery, southern part of Attleborough Mills. The map extends southward to the Griff Arm of Coventry Canal, and Bermuda, including Griff Colliery Pumping Works, various mineral tramways, LNWR Griff Branch, Old Homestead. We include 1921 directories for both Attleborough and Chilvers Coton on the reverse.
The map links up with sheet 11.09 Nuneaton to the north