Here is information about Sheet 349:
This Inch to the Mile map covers the area east of Plymouth, centred on Ivybridge. Coverage stretches from Cattedown, Egg Buckland and the Staddon Heights eastward to Halwell and Harberton, and from Buckfastleigh southward to Loddiswell. The eastern outskirts of Plymouth are shown at the left margin but, as Tom Greeves says, "the eastward expansion of that city....had not yet overwhelmed places such as Plympton, Plymstock and Egg Buckland". The southern part of Dartmoor stretches down onto the map. Railways include the GWR main line which runs across the map, and parts of several branches: the Yealmpton Branch and lines to Launceston, Kingsbridge and Ashburton. On the reverse we include an extract from Devon Sheet 120.09 which covers the small town of South Brent in 1904; this is shown in more detail, and includes a directory.
It is not possible to list the many hamlets, farmsteads and other topographical features shown on these maps. However, you may find it useful if we list the towns and principal villages or church parishes that are included on this map. Links are given for those for which detailed large-scale maps are also available.
Index maps are available showing the areas covered by the Inch to the Mile maps. Go to This page
You can order maps direct from our On-line Mapshop. For a full list of Inch to the Mile maps go to the Inch to the Mile page, where you will also find details of prices. For information on the rest of the series, go to The Index Page.