Greater Manchester Subscription

Ten new maps for Greater Manchester to be published in 2025

  • We plan to issue ten new large scale maps for Greater Manchester in 2025. The first titles are expected to be published on 25 March but will be sent to subscribers about 10 days earlier. The rest will follow, normally two maps at a time, during 2025. The group will include maps for Bolton, Rochdale, Stockport and Wigan. They will be taken from the early and wonderfully detailed OS 1st edition 5-foot plans, reduced to a scale of 'a yard to the mile', with a later map, normally from the 1890s, on the back. Each will include a 2,000 word introduction. Note that these maps will be for the towns around Manchester, not Manchester itself, where we already have a fine range of maps.
  • Authors of the introductions will include Alkan Crosby, Alan Godfrey and Chris Makepeace. Here is a Slideshow of snaps taken by Alan Godfrey while walking round central Wigan.
  • Subscriptions give an excellent discount, and also support us in our mission to cover as many towns and villages as possible. Each map includes a specially written introduction. Maps are sent to subscribers, postage free, a few days before publication. A subscription costs just £ 30.00 for the ten new maps, a substantial saving on the normal price.
  • Note that this subscription is essentially for the new maps, not those already available.

    The first maps in this subscription are due in March 2025. Although no firm timetable can be given, we intend to publish all ten maps by the end of 2025. This special offer is for UK customers only. We hope you will join us in subscribing to our new maps and supporting this continuing project to strengthen our coverage in the region. Quite simply, the more maps we sell, and the more subscribers we have, the more we can publish!

  • A Greater Manchester subscription costs just £ 30.00 for the next 10 maps, post free.
  • Subscriptions can be placed through our On-line Mapshop or by contacting our office in the usual way.
    Alan Godfrey Maps, Prospect Business Park, Leadgate, Consett, DH8 7PW. Tel 01207 583388
    The Godfrey Edition / / 10 March 2025