Here are the details of maps for Uddingston:
This detailed map covers the small town of Uddingston, where features include Caledonian Railway with station (at top of map), NBR railway with station, Bothwell & Uddingston Gas Works, Douglas Gardens, town centre showing individual buildings neatly delineated, Bothwell Castle Home Farm, Gardenside area, Porters Well area, River Clyde. Coverage extends south to Bothwell Castle, remains of Blantyre Priory, Kirklands Lunatic Asylum, and westward to Blantyreferme House. On the reverse we include an 1892-3 directory of Uddingston.
You might find this index map useful. The map links up with Sheets 11.03 Tannochside to the north, 11.06 Drumsagard to the west, 11.08 Bellshill to the east and 11.11 Bothwell to the south.