Here are the details of maps for Sale & Ashton-on-Mersey:
Although this map is in our Lancashire series, most of the coverage is actually of Cheshire. It covers a busy area of Sale and Ashton-on-Mersey, with Washway Road and Cross Street (part shown as an old Roman Road) as the boundary. Coverage stretches from Harboro Road West and Ashton New Hall eastward to Priory Road and Winstanley Road, and from Northenden Road and Charlton Drive northward to the Ousel Brook. North of the Mersey the only feature is a sewage Farm. Within Sale the many features include Sale Town Hall, Sale and Dane Road stations, School Road, Bridgewater Canal and wharf, Broad Road, Tatton Road etc; within Ashton features include Ashton Lane, picture theatres, Friends Meeting House and burial ground, Grosvenor Road, Ashton Park, St Martin's church, Ashton Hall Farm, Rivershill, Mersey Market Garden etc. We include several extracts from a 1906 street directory on the reverse, incl entries for Ashton Lane, Broad Road, Cross Street, Mersey Road, Tatton Road.
The map links up with Lancashire sheets 110.04 Stretford to the north and 111.05 Chorlton South to the east.