Here are the details of maps for Worsley (W):
This detailed map is double-sided for maximum coverage. The main map covers the area around Worsley Hall, with coverage stretching from Worsley Bridge and Court House westward to Booth's Hall. Ellenbrook with Mosley Common Collieries and St Mary's church is in the top left corner. Other features include Booth's Hall Farm, Bridgewater Collieries Railway to the canal basin, a stretch of the Bridgewater Canal, Booth's Bank, Middle Wood, Worsley Hall, Worsley Old Hall, St Mark's church, Kempnough Hall, Worsley Hall Farm etc. On the reverse we include a good section of adjacent sheet 103.06 extending coverage southward across the moss; there are few buildings but this map does show the Moss Canal with a horse tramway to transport spoil.
The map links up with sheets 95.14 Walkden South to the north, 103.01 Boothstown to the west, 103.03 Worsley to the east.