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ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | South West |  Wiltshire

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Wi 54.12  Bulford Village & Durrington 1923

Wi 54.12 Bulford Village & Durrington 1923

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Bulford Village: Wiltshire sheet 54.12
Introduction by Tony Painter
Covers St John's Church, Stonehenge Inn, Bulford Manor, Seymour Farm, All Saint's Church, St Mary's Church and Manor House.

For a detailed description of these maps click here

Wi 54.16  Amesbury 1923

Wi 54.16 Amesbury 1923

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Amesbury: Wiltshire sheet 54.16
Introduction by Tony Painter
Covers St Mary & St Malore's Church, Amesbury Park, Grey Bridge, Avon Hotel, Amesbury Poor Law Institution, Railway Station and George Hotel.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Wi 55.09  Bulford Camp 1923

Wi 55.09 Bulford Camp 1923

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Bulford Camp: Wiltshire sheet 55.09
Introduction by Tony Painter
Covers Sling Camp, Gallipoli Lines, Lorry Shelter, Bulford Lea, Baghdad Lines, Hosptial and Railway Platform.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Wi 63.05  Mere 1900

Wi 63.05 Mere 1900

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Mere; Wilts sheet 63.05
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Double-sided map of this tiny town. Also includes Zeals House (but not village)

For a detailed description of this map click here

Wi 64.15  Tisbury 1900

Wi 64.15 Tisbury 1900

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Tisbury 1900; Wilts sheet 64.15
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Double-sided map of this village, incl Tuckingmill, and stretching north to the tip of Fonthill lake

For a detailed description of this map click here

Wi 66.07  Old Sarum 1900

Wi 66.07 Old Sarum 1900

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Old Sarum; Wilts sheet 66.07
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
includes the site of the old castle and cathedral, together with Stratford-sub-Castle village. Links up with the North Salisbury map. On the reverse an early six inch map.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Wi 66.09  Wilton 1900

Wi 66.09 Wilton 1900

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Wilton; Wilts sheet 66.09
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Historic town just west of Salisbury. Double-sided map includes both stations, Fugglestone Farm, Wilton House, and westward to Ugford

For a detailed description of this map click here

Wi 66.11  North Salisbury 1900

Wi 66.11 North Salisbury 1900

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Salisbury (N); Wilts sheet 66.11
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Includes Fisherton and covers area from the stations northward to Victoria Park, eastward to St Edmunds church, Market Place and Elm Grove

For a detailed description of this map click here

Wi 66.15  City of Salisbury 1900

Wi 66.15 City of Salisbury 1900

Price: £1.75


Detailed map of Salisbury; Wilts sheet 66.15
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Links up with North Salisbury map. Includes Cathedral and Close and stretches from New Canal southward to West and East Harnham

For a detailed description of this map click here

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ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | South West |  Wiltshire