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London Large Scale Plans

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | London & South East | London & Middlesex |  London Large Scale Plans

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LS 3.72  Lower Highgate 1869-95

LS 3.72 Lower Highgate 1869-95

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Lower Highgate
London sheet 3.72
Introduction by Pamela Taylor
Covers Small Pox and Vaccination Hospital, Highgate Cemetery, Whittington College, Methodist Chapel and Elm Lodge.

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 6.60  Paddington Green & Marylebone Rd 1865-72

LS 6.60 Paddington Green & Marylebone Rd 1865-72

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Edgware Road area;
London sheet 6.60
Introduction by Pamela Taylor
map centred on Edgware Road station
Reduced from the original 5' to a mile plan

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 6.88  High Street Kensington 1865-93

LS 6.88 High Street Kensington 1865-93

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of High Street Kensington;
London sheet 6.88
Reduced from the original 5' to a mile plan
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Kensington Palace Cavalry & Infantry Barracks, High Street Kensington Station, Lancaster Lodge, Bute House, Holland House.

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 6.89  Kensington (Royal Albert Hall) 1872

LS 6.89 Kensington (Royal Albert Hall) 1872

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Kensington;
London sheet 6.89
Reduced from the original 5' to a mile plan
Introduction by Chris Docherty.
Includes The Prince Consort Memorial, Hyde Park Gate, Lytham House and the Royal Albert Hall.

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 6.98  Kensington (Earls Court Road) 1865-94

LS 6.98 Kensington (Earls Court Road) 1865-94

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Kensington (Earls Court Road)
London sheet 6.99
Reduced from the original 5' to a mile plan
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Saint Mary Abbotts Workhouse, St Philip's Church, Brittania Brewey, Kensington Chapel, St Barnabas' School and Edwardes Square.

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 6.99  Kensington (Gloucester Road) 1865-72

LS 6.99 Kensington (Gloucester Road) 1865-72

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Gloucester Road;
London sheet 6.99
Reduced from the original 5' to a mile plan

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 6.100  Brompton 1862-72

LS 6.100 Brompton 1862-72

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Brompton;
London sheet 6.100
Reduced from the original 5' to a mile plan
Introduction by Pamela Taylor
Covers South Kensington Museum, Railway Station, Prince's Cricket Ground, Holy Trinity Church and St John's Chapel.

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 7.01  Kentish Town (West) 1870-94

LS 7.01 Kentish Town (West) 1870-94

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Kentish Town (West); London sheet 7.01
Introduction by Pamela Taylor
Covers Orphan Working School, St Dominik's Priory, St Pancras Almhouses, Journeynab Tailors Institution, St Andrew's Church and St Andrew's School.

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 7.02  Kentish Town 1870-94

LS 7.02 Kentish Town 1870-94

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Kentish Town; London sheet 7.02
Introduction by Pamela Taylor
Covers Kentish Town Station, St Luke's Church, Aged Governesses Asylum, Police Station, Methodist Chapel and National School.

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 7.08  Central Hackney 1870-93

LS 7.08 Central Hackney 1870-93

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Hackney; London sheet 7.08
Introduction by David Mander
incl St John's church, stn, Assembly Rooms, Sutton Place. Main map 1870; on reverse the 1893 map.
Reduced from the original 5' to a mile plan

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 7.09  Homerton 1870-93

LS 7.09 Homerton 1870-93

Price: £3.50


Large Scale Plan of Homerton; London sheet 7.09
Introduction by David Mander
incl St Barnabas's church, Homerton College, stn, Hackney Workhouse. Main map 1870; 1893 on reverse.
Reduced from the original 5' to a mile plan

For a detailed description of this map click here

LS 7.11  Chalk Farm 1870-94

LS 7.11 Chalk Farm 1870-94

Price: £3.50


Large scale plan of Chalk Farm. Sheet 7.121
Introduction by Pamela Taylor
Covers St George's Square, Chalk Farm Station, Adelaide Road, Harmood Street, Fitzroy Road area

For a detailed description of this map click here

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