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Greater Manchester Large Scale Plans

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | Northern England | Lancashire |  Greater Manchester Large Scale Plans

Wls 5  Wigan Town Centre 1847

Wls 5 Wigan Town Centre 1847

Price: £3.50


Wigan Sheet 05
Original 5 foot plan reduced to a yard to the mile
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers hte area around Lancashire and Yorkshire Station, Millgate, London & North Western Station, Wigan Gas Works, All Saint's Church, Spring Gardens and Infantry Barracks.

Rls 8  Rochdale Town Centre 1849

Rls 8 Rochdale Town Centre 1849

Price: £3.50


Rochdale Sheet 08
Original 5 foot plan reduced to a yard to the mile
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers area around St Chad's Church, St Mary's Church, St Stephen's Chapel, Rochdale Bridge, Cheetham Street, Drake Stree, George Street South.

Stk08  Stockport Town Centre 1873

Stk08 Stockport Town Centre 1873

Price: £3.50


Stockport Sheet 08
Original 5 foot plan reduced to a yard to the mile
Introduction by Chris Makepeace.
Covers area around St Peters Church, Railway Station, Grove Works, Albert Mill.

For a detailed description of this map click here

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | Northern England | Lancashire |  Greater Manchester Large Scale Plans