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ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | Northern England | Tyne & Wear |  Gateshead

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Ty 17a  Elswick 1894

Ty 17a Elswick 1894

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Elswick; Tyneside sheet 17
Historical introduction by Roy Young
incl South Benwell, New Benwell, also parts of Dunston riverside, incl West Dunston Engine Works, Redhaugh rly branch

For a detailed description of this map click here

Ty 17b  Elswick 1913

Ty 17b Elswick 1913

Price: £3.50

Detailed map of Elswick; Tyneside sheet 17
Historical introduction by Jimmy Donald
incl Elswick's Armstrong Works, South Benwell, New Benwell, also parts of Dunston riverside, incl West Dunston staiths, Derwenthaugh rly branch

For a detailed description of this map click here

Ty 17c  Elswick & Dunston Riverside 1937

Ty 17c Elswick & Dunston Riverside 1937

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Elswick; Tyneside sheet 17
Historical introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers St John's Cemetery, St Vincent's Orphanage, Dunston Engine Works, Elswick House Children's Home, Hodgkin Park, St James' Church and St Stephen's Church.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Ty 18a  Newcastle & Gateshead 1894

Ty 18a Newcastle & Gateshead 1894

Price: £3.50

Detailed map of Newcastle & Gateshead; Tyneside sheet 18
Historical introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers area from Bigg Market to Gateshead Windmill Hills; incl Central stn, Westgate Rd, Swing Bridge, NER Rly Wks, Gateshead High St
1894 version

For a detailed description of this map click here

Ty 18b  Newcastle & Gateshead 1914

Ty 18b Newcastle & Gateshead 1914

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Newcastle & Gateshead; Tyneside sheet 18
Historical introduction by John Griffiths
Covers area from Bigg Market to Gateshead Windmill Hills, NER works, Central Station, Swing Bridge, Redheugh Bridge and St Nicholas' Cathedral.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Ty 18c  Newcastle & Gateshead 1940

Ty 18c Newcastle & Gateshead 1940

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Newcastle & Gateshead; Tyneside sheet 18
Historical introduction by Anthea Lang
Covers Central Station, Redheugh Bridge, St John the Baptist Church, Tyne Bridge, North Durham Cricket Ground, Rutherford College, Redheugh Colliery (Disused) and Regal Theatre.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Ty 19a  Gateshead (East) & St Peters 1895

Ty 19a Gateshead (East) & St Peters 1895

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Gateshead (East); Tyneside sheet 19
Historical introduction by Iain Watson
Our original map. Covers industrial and chemical area east of Gateshead to Felling Shore, plus St Peters and St Lawrence part of Newcastle.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Ty 19b  Gateshead (East) & St Peter's 1913

Ty 19b Gateshead (East) & St Peter's 1913

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Gateshead (East); Tyneside sheet 19
Historical introduction by Anthea Lang
Covers industrial and chemical area east of Gateshead to Felling Shore, St Lawrence's Chapel, Salt Meadows and Friars Goose.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Special Offer: Ty 19a & 19b Gateshead East & St Peter's 1895 & 1913

Special Offer: Ty 19a & 19b Gateshead East & St Peter's 1895 & 1913

Price: £6.00


Gateshead (East) 1895 & 1913
Both with an introduction
Special Offer for the pair of maps.

For a detailed description of these maps click here

Ty 19Aa  St Anthonys & Bill Quay 1912

Ty 19Aa St Anthonys & Bill Quay 1912

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of St Anthonys; Tyneside sheet 19A
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
On north side of Tyne incl St Anthonys, Walker Park, Jane Pit (naval yard left blank); on south side Bill Quay, Pelaw Main, staiths

For a detailed description of this map click here

Ty 19Ab  St Anthony's & Bill Quay 1941

Ty 19Ab St Anthony's & Bill Quay 1941

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of St Anthonys; Tyneside sheet 19A
Introduction by Alan Godfrey
Covers Walker Park, Pelaw Main, Factory House, Cinema, Ship repairing Yard, Schools and Heworth Shore.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Special Offer: Ty 19Aa & 19Ab  St Anthony's & Bill Quay 1912 & 1941

Special Offer: Ty 19Aa & 19Ab St Anthony's & Bill Quay 1912 & 1941

Price: £6.00


St Anthony's & Bill Quay 1912 & 1941
Both with an introduction
Special Offer for the pair of maps

For a detailed description of these maps click here

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ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | Northern England | Tyne & Wear |  Gateshead