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ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | London & South East |  Berkshire

Show First 12 Product(s) Show First 12 Product(s)
Br 10.06  Abingdon 1910

Br 10.06 Abingdon 1910

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Abingdon; Berkshire sheet 10.06
Introduction by Barrie Trinder
Covers the town, incl stn, workhouse, Albert Park, River Thames, Andersey Island. Incl directory & rly timetable.
Since 1974 Abingdon has been in Oxfordshire.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 15.07  Didcot 1898

Br 15.07 Didcot 1898

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Didcot; Berkshire sheet 15.07
Introduction by Mike Jee
Covers Didcot Junction, Newtown, All Saints' church, White Hart Inn, Britwell Lodge and Corn Exchange.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 24.14  Maidenhead 1897

Br 24.14 Maidenhead 1897

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Maidenhead; Berkshire sheet 24.14
Introduction by Edward Sammes
Covers town centre, and area from station northward to Cordwalles College, west to Boyn Hill, St Mark's church, workhouse

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 24.15  Maidenhead Bridge & Taplow 1897

Br 24.15 Maidenhead Bridge & Taplow 1897

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Maidenhead Bridge; Berkshire 24.15
Introduction by Edward Sammes
Area around Maidenhead Bridge, incl Bridge Rd, Taplow Court, Taplow station

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 28.12  Pangbourne & Whitchurch 1910

Br 28.12 Pangbourne & Whitchurch 1910

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Pangbourne; Berkshire sheet 28.12
Introduction by Jean Debney
Covers Pangbourne, Purley Hall, also part of Whitchurch on Oxfordshire side of Thames

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 32.09  Windsor 1897

Br 32.09 Windsor 1897

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Windsor; Berkshire sheet 32.09
Introduction by Judith Hunter
Town centre and area to the west. Incl GWR stn, Holy Trinity church, Clewer, Clewer New Town, St Andrew's Hospital

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 32.10  Windsor Castle & Datchet 1897

Br 32.10 Windsor Castle & Datchet 1897

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Windsor Castle; Berkshire sheet 32.10
Introduction by Judith Hunter
Covers east part of Windsor, incl Castle, Royal Mews, Frogmore House, LSW station; also Datchet on Bucks side of Thames. Links up with Slough and Eton maps.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 37.03a  Reading 1877 (Coloured Edition)

Br 37.03a Reading 1877 (Coloured Edition)

Price: £4.00


Detailed map of Reading; Berkshire sheet 37.03 (COLOURED EDITION)
Introduction by Tony Painter
Covers St Giles's Church, Railway Station, Reading Iron Works, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Town Hall, St Mary's Church and Castlehill House

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 37.03b Reading 1898

Br 37.03b Reading 1898

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Reading; Berkshire sheet 37.03
Introduction by R B Parry
Very busy map covering much of town, incl stn, St Mary's church, Castle St, London St

For a detailed description of this map click here

Special Offer:  Br 37.03a & Br 37.03b  Reading 1877 (Coloured) & 1898

Special Offer: Br 37.03a & Br 37.03b Reading 1877 (Coloured) & 1898

Price: £6.50


Reading 1877 (Coloured) & 1898

Special Offer for the pair of maps.

For a detailed description of these maps click here

Br 38.15  Wokingham 1909

Br 38.15 Wokingham 1909

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Wokingham; Berks sheet 38.15
Introduction by Barrie Trinder
Covers the town incl stn, All Saints church, tramway to brickworks, workhouse, Froghall Green. Commercial directory on reverse.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 39.16  Ascot 1910

Br 39.16 Ascot 1910

Price: £3.50


Detailed map of Ascot Berkshire sheet 39.16
Introduction by Tony Painter
Double-sided map incl Ascot, Sunninghill, race course, stn, Royal Ascot Hotel

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 43.01  Newbury 1898

Br 43.01 Newbury 1898

Price: £1.75


Detailed map of Newbury; Berkshoire sheet 43.01
Introduction by Tony Higgott
also incl Stroud Green, The Folly, West Fields

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 32.53  Windsor (North) 1868 (Large Scale Plan)

Br 32.53 Windsor (North) 1868 (Large Scale Plan)

Price: £3.50


Windsor (North) Large Scale Map
Original 5 foot plan reduced to a yard to the mile
Introduction by Pamela Taylor
Covers Windsor Castle, Windsor Bridge, The Queen's Waiting Room, St George's Chapel and Station.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Br 32.63  Windsor (South) 1868 (Large Scale Plan)

Br 32.63 Windsor (South) 1868 (Large Scale Plan)

Price: £3.50


Windsor (South) Large Scale Map
Original 5 foot plan reduced to a yard to the mile
Introduction by Pamela Taylor
Covers Infantry Barracks, Royal Infirmary, Holy Trinity Church, Wellington Square and Cambridge Lodge.

For a detailed description of this map click here

Show First 12 Product(s)

ALAN GODFREY MAPSHOP | England | London & South East |  Berkshire